We believe passionately in transformation. Our track record extends more than a decade of funding Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) initiatives.

From our earlier successes funding Kagiso Trust Investments and the Tiso Group, to our recent partnership with Bopa Moruo Private Equity, RMB Ventures has invested more than R2.3-billion in empowerment funds and empowerment transactions. Our broad mandate selectively allows us to fund new empowerment funds and to back black entrepreneurs and industrialists who identify investment opportunities.

In the context of private equity, value creation centres on maximising returns for shareholders. However, we believe that value goes beyond just money. Maximising value creation requires a holistic approach to growing a business in a way that benefits not only shareholders, but society at large, in a way that helps businesses to reach their full potential across a broader spectrum of metrics than simply how much profit they are generating annually. Read more about our Value Creation approach here .

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We empower people, teams and businesses to unlock their full potential.
